Series – Journey

Series – Journey

  Is a series of 10 paintings depicting life’s Journey through hardships and challenges.  The challenges we face in our life test our courage and faith in ourselves. We sometimes are faced with many obstacles in life, which can be overcome only by a...
Series – True blue

Series – True blue

Collection of paintings inspired by the ocean.  I love to surround myself with the colors borrowed from the sea. UAE has some amazing coastlines, I can never get enough of. When you face the sea you realize its vastness and get an overwhelming feeling of...
Series: Living memories

Series: Living memories

Collection of paintings which emote some moments I have lived in my past. Each painting is essentially a memory, an experience. Some of these even from my childhood. Few of them I had the luxury of taking photographs of, however some are so deeply etched in my heart...


Painting is my refuge, my safe place I absolutely run to, when things go crazy in my life.  We all have our safe places or a refuge, either can be a loved one or a corner in your home to just be by yourself. To me it’s painting, it’s like writing a diary, where I can...